holiday is bored, isn't it?

Hey bloggy ..

Long time no see ya !

Umm, I dunno why I’m so lazy to look you up for a long time. Maybe yeah the first reason you know because of my task and bla bla bla I don’t want to explain you more I know you have been lazy to hear that topic and so am I and do you know the second reason I don’t want to explain it more because THIS IS HOLIDAY ‼! YEAYH ‼! YUHUUUUUU‼! Ummm, very late I post about it because it has been a half of holiday time . arrrrrgh ‼‼

Hey hey minal aidin wal faidzin to you all guys ‼ I’m sorry maybe it’s late but no word “late” for us to apologize . :DD

so guys, I was spending my holiday in bandung during my holiday . I went to bandung from idul fitri time and it was unexpectedly because I just knew it when my family and I was In serang . after from serang to meet my big big family from my mom directly went to bandung . no prepare no information before. I was panicked because I didn’t bring any clothes for me there but my mom said you have many family don’t worry ! aha! I just remembered haha and I had an idea to buy some new clothes and the reason is “I don’t have any clothes for stay several days here! “ haha and yupp ! i bought some . lucky for me! :P

and yesterday , kiki sent me a message that she wanted me to buy a sweater for her (nitip ceunah!) after she knew that I was in bandung . okay maybe for this I have to say thanks to kiki because of her I can go some places to looking for her desirability in some distro there.
Yeah , I was confused when almost my friends who know I was in bandung ask me to bring some oleh-oleh for them because I dunno what will I give to them? Milk from chimori (??) it will be spoiled when I give to them, strawberry (??) just same with chimori what else?? Really confused -___-
Umm, today I’ll return to my home .. aah don’t want to really ‼! But what am I going to do.. nothing ,..

Okay, see ya ! chao !

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